


Transient rentals, vacation rentals, and short term rentals are all the same thing. It is the rental of a space for 30 days or less. This includes entire homes and a portion of a home. Vacation rentals are not legal in residential zones.


Vacation rentals are not legal in village mixed use.


The moratorium on Conditional Use Permits for transient rentals in residential zones is still in effect. There is not currently a method to register a Transient/Vacation Rental.
Effective January 30, 2016, the City’s moratorium on enforcement of transient/vacation rentals will be lifted.


The City Council directed staff to phase in enforcement measures with warnings being issued for the first four months.

Transient/Vacation Rentals in Ojai


01/26/2016: City Council Meeting Administrative Report and Documents (City of Ojai)
01/12/2016: City Council Meeting Administrative Report and Documents (City of Ojai)
12/08/2015: City Council Meeting Administrative Report and Documents (City of Ojai)
11/10/2015: City Council Meeting Administrative Report and Documents (City of Ojai)
10/29/2015: Vacation Rental Focus Group Report and Recommendations (City of Ojai)
10/29/2015: Proposed Components for Vacation Rental Ordinance (City of Ojai)
08/20/2015: Steve Alexander Final Report, August 20, 2015 (City of Ojai)
07/02/2015: Workshop Agenda (City of Ojai)
06/24/2015: Legal Analysis by Matt Summers (City of Ojai)
06/24/2015:Planning & Economic Considerations by Lisa Wise (City of Ojai)

06/02/2015: Transient Rental Workshop Administrative Report (City of Ojai)
Transient Rentals in Ojai FAQ (City of Ojai)


08/10/2016: Ojai moves to punish advertisers of illegal short-term rentals (Ventura County Star)

06/15/2016: Ojai weighs upping short-term rental fines (Ventura County Star)

05/30/2016: Ojai will start enforcing ban on short-term rentals this week (Ventura County Star)

01/27/2016: Ojai council bans short-term vacation rentals (Ventura County Star)

01/13/2016: Ojai City Council bans short-term vacation rentals (Ventura County Star)

12/09/2015: Ojai plans to regulate vacation rentals but is not sure how (Ventura County Star)

03/25/2015: Ojai temporarily bans vacation rentals operating without a permit (Ventura County Star)


Transient/Vacation Rentals in Ojai