

Current Status: 

The City Council shot down Monday a proposal that would have eased restrictions and allowed residents to rent out a room in their home to tourists. They voted 3-1 to uphold a recommendation by the Planning Commission, which argued the proposed ordinance could have harmed the character of residential neighborhoods and taken away from affordable housing stock.


Under the proposal, property owners would have been allowed to rent out a room in their home for a limited time, using sites such as Airbnb and VRBO, as long as they obtained a license from the city and remained on-site.

“Sonoma rejects easing vacation rental rules,” The Press Democrat, April 6, 2015


04/06/2016: Short-Term Rental Staff Report (City of Sonoma)


10/03/2016: Sonoma imposes moratorium on new vacation rentals (The Press Democrat)

01/23/2016: Developer drops plans for downtown vacation rentals in Sonoma project (The Press Democrat)

04/06/2015: Sonoma rejects easing vacation rental rules (The Press Democrat)

04/05/2015: Sonoma revisits vacation rental rules (The Press Democrat)